Over the years i have often been asked why there wasn't a Bondor website, when so many other kennels and exhibitors had them.
In truth the simple answer was, that no-one had thought to do one. When i first approached Allan, his response
was "Well, will anyone want to look at it" ? Standing as i have, in the living room at The Lodge, and looking round the walls at all the photos
of beautiful dogs, many with their respective owners, i found it hard to imagine that people wouldn't want to look.

In terms of the breed, i personally, am a relative newcomer.

I never saw the huge classes of the 60's & 70's (although Jan did !!!), never saw what class after class of typical Afghan looked like,
and never had an opportunity to take in what some of the notable kennels of the past had achieved.

Therefore, i resolved to save a little slice of breed history and set about creating this site. I should point out too,
that it is only this little section you are reading now that is my own contribution.
Everything else you read and see is Allan's input, from text, to commentary and the choice of decor,
(perhaps with some help from Stuart). The photographs all come out of the Bondor archives, and were obtained through one days
intense scanning over at the The Lodge, and through several large packets which arrived safe and sound after a trip through the mail.

The theme for the site may suprise some, as it is essentially "non doggy" but the backdrops,
and the inital "curtain call" reflect Allan's second love - The Theatre.

Putting it all together has been an opportunity to see the history at first hand. We waded through literally hundreds of photo's, uncovering
some gems along the way (Milan's puppy photo for example), and other items such as the letter inviting Allan to judge Crufts. Each item forms
part of our breed history as well as part of his story. The tales that accompanied each picture (some of which couldn't possibly be repeated !!)
were every bit as entertaining as the images.

Although it is now published and here for all to see, this site is very much a work in progress. New material will be added as it becomes
available, but for now, we have secured a small part of the history both of Bondor, and the Afghan Hound for posterity.
Anybody wishing to submity any material can do so by emailing me at GothikaAfghans@aol.com

It has certainly been an education knowing Allan, and his wicked sense of humour ! Our association with Allan, Stuart, Ed
and the Bondor is relatively contemporary of course. Jan first saw the adverts for the "Fabulous Bondors" when she was
a young girl. I only discovered the Bondors through our own "Solomon" much later, but have enjoyed finding out
about the history of one of our leading kennels.


Rich & Jan